All posts by meatball
Malfunction premiere next week
More Max
Another Dean Barnes photo starring Max Garson!
Max and Josh photos by Deano
Max warmed this up then sub’d in Josh to do it.
No sub needed on this one. Max rock to fakie. Photos by Dean Barnes Photography.
Derek warmup and Chad quickup
From the Jason spots session a few weeks ago. Click here.
Lots of Greg in Depressed Midwest issue #2
Tons of photos of Greg in the new issue of Depressed Midwest. Thanks Jack!
MRKT Northside montage
Chadman filmed and edited montage up in Ft Collins at one of the funnest parks ever.
Rampy session
Had a fun Rampy session last week. Here’s Max doing some KOTR trick that Dean suggested. Click the photo or here to see Dean’s facebook photo album from the night.
New t-shirts and crews have arrived. They will be dispersing slowly from headquarters shortly.
Derek boardslide
Another great Deano photo. This time it’s Derek (repping Hard Rock Cafe???) with a kinky boardslide.