All posts by meatball

Crisis Anniversary Party Photos

The Crisis Anniversary party was a blast. Lots of Nullers showed up and we debuted the first issue of Nullozine. What a fun night. Here’s Chad in front of his art.

Chris Jones was in the house!

Gnarly Carleigh overload! Carleigh photos/art, Lowcard checkout and Carleigh page in Nullozine. Wowsers!

Max’s wardrobe matches his art. Tight.

Derek glancing over issue #1

Derek showing off!

Somehow I missed getting a photo of the main man behind Crisis, but here’s a few old people in his place. Ha.

Max and Jack giggling.

And acting like kids

Jack laughing at the photo of Jaws.

Yes! Our first Nullozine toilet sighting!

A huge congratulations to Crisis is in order. Thanks for all the support over the last year. May there be many, many more anniversary parties as fun as this one.

Nullozine print edition coming Saturday at the Crisis Anniversary Party/art show

Issue One of Nullozine print is done! While the name is similar to Glen’s blog (without the jr) it isn’t the same thing. It’s a Colorado skate zine. Issue One is heavy on the Null tip, but we hope to expand outside of our circle in future issues. Huge thanks to Dean and everyone else that helped with this. We will have them for the Crisis party on Saturday!

Congratulations to Fuzz and all the hard work he’s put in the last year with Crisis. Happy one year anniversary and thanks for all the support! See you at Crisis Saturday night!