Rynull pivot fakie
THE FUTURE IS NULL!For the past six years we here at Technullogical Institute of Technullogy (TIT) have been developing the ultimate skateboarder. We have experimented with various team members to find all the different elements of the perfect skateboarder. Our team has been a stepping stone to clone the perfect skateboarder and we are pleased to announce our project is finally ready to be introduced to the world. Introducing Rynull Sheckert, the future of skateboarding.It has been a lot of work, but we were able to combine the pop of
Monico Candelaria, the mastering of flip tricks by
Pat Hickey, the style and flow of
Riley Persing, the knowledge of all spots in the world by
Jeff Hulslander,
Bernie Keith’s uncanny ability to balance on two wheels,
Greg Harbour’s ability to land big drops,
Tyler Price’s threshold for pain,
Drew Newlin’s front crooks, the popularity of senior year prom king
Chris Jones,
Jack Spanbauer’s music collection, the creativity of
Josh Steele, the go for broke mentality of
Mikey Chaffee,
Matt Warner’s switch ups and
Chad Seidel’s bionic ankles.By cloning the different elements of each skater, Senior TIT Scientist Rodney Nullen was able to manipulate each unique DNA to increase it’s effectiveness. For example, he was able to increase Monico’s ollie pop DNA to give it 3 times the effectiveness. Thus generating the potential for 7 – 8 foot flat ground ollies. Another example is Greg’s ability to land big drops was increased by 50% allowing for 18 foot vertical drops, roughly 36 stairs.As you can see, the potential for Rynull’s skateboarding is league’s above any other skateboarder. We are happy with Rynull’s progress so far and can say with confidence that he will shortly be performing tricks like switch treflipping Wallenberg and becoming Thrasher’s youngest Skater Of The Year. We are confident that within a couple years Rynull will have become the world’s best skateboarder and your favorite skateboarder.Thanks for your patience,Null