[youtube ygmEkckOoJI]Pat’s got a couple bangers in there. Halfcab heel and nollie inward heel revert switch back 5-0. Whew, that’s a long name.
Category Archives: Team News
St Flattys day tomorrow!
St Flattys day goes down tomorrow at the Cheyenne Skatepark starting at 1pm. There is a gap contest, powerslide contest, flatground contest and who knows what else. Be there!
Greg stopped by and filmed a couple lines on the ramp ..
[youtube 01yWWI7WJWc]Greg stopped by and skated Rampy (aka the Null micro mini) for a bit and fell in love.
Monico in Slap
Slap posted an article on Denver and Monico has a couple photos in it. Check the whole article here.
Back smith
5-0[youtube LVSCrgWyouA]They also have his Incolor part in the article. Congrats Monico!
Chad and Chris went to Arizona awhile ago
And Chris sent me these photos.Chris Ollie
Our homie Grant 5-0
There is no way Chad drank a whole 40.
It’s funny that Chad is still pushing for a pro deck with skating like this
Chris tailslide
This is probably two months of not shaving
Chris dropping in
I have no idea what this is
Chad with his one of a kind pro deck that he payed money for himself at boardpusher or whatever. Ha ha dude!
Excess/John Doe Zine ad
Here’s an ad we did for John Doe Zine and Excess featuring Cheyenne’s Matt Warner. Matt recently moved in with Bernie in Longmont. All the photos were taken by Rich at JDZ. Thanks!
Matt at the CO Springs park
Frontside flip
Ollie into pole
Kickflip.All these photos were taken by Rich at John Doe Zine. Go check out his site.
Monico smith grind
Monico is still living large in Albuquerque
Pat ollieing some pizza boxes
Pat was able to break out of the Boston cold for a bit on a trip to Florida and killed some time ollieing empty pizza boxes.
Riley, Tyler and Monico at the SOL Ramp
[youtube vjgmoP8QZJI]Just a couple tricks from a session at the SOL ramp awhile ago.