Category Archives: Team News

Tyler is Hyped!

HypedTyler is now part of the new Hype Skateboards team. This has been a long time coming for the long time Nuller and we’re hyped for you Tyler (no pun intended). Here’s some photos and a video clip from his profile page on the Hype site.treTey can Trefakie treFakie TreheelflipHeelflip[vimeo 2853303]Peep the Null deck on the crooks nollie heel transfer! Hee hee. Congrats again Tyler!

Null And Void one year old today

It’s been a year since Null And Void came out so to celebrate here we go again. If you want better quality buy the DVD for just $10 and support independent skateboarding. Thanks![youtube hVNVMzANg8Y]Intro and intro to Greg’s part[youtube X8wDeJVeuu0]Greg Harbour[youtube pwU1rdNxHo0]Riley Persing[youtube 3VhFdGgrzJE]Friends/family section[youtube i3GIIZ-uzgw]Bernie Keith[youtube ctKq44aBXbE]Pat Hickey[youtube -acRiFh5SdU]FLOW section – Chris Jones, Mikey Chaffee, Jack Spanbauer and Chad Seidel[youtube tKkNgb_bc6M]Jeff Hulslander[youtube MnE1EjTWbTA]Monico Candelaria