Category Archives: Team News

Some News

jonesyChris Jones skating at the Skateboard Market’s 12 year anniversary party at the Edora Skatepark. Congratulations on 12 years to the Market and thanks for all your support over the last 5 years.tre

More MRKT 12 year anniversary part photos. Tyler, Greg and Monico


Greg, black out drunk thinking he’s at a Green Day concert.

420 247 365Jeff was in San Francisco a few weeks ago and went to the 3 up 3 down contest on 4/20. He did his nose manual nollie back foot impossible out and landed on the Satori “Happy 420 3 Up 3 Down” clip. How perfect.[youtube USuLv66xfOQ]Lastly, check out the lastest teaser from our homies at Meta.

Null welcomes Matt”Metal Matt”to the Flow team

[youtube ufj0UFbjlgU]Null Skateboards would like to welcome Metal Matt to the Flow Team. One of our favorite things about the Null team is that it isn’t limited to a certain style or click of skaters. Matt is from Cheyenne, WY where the wind never stops and the weirdos and meth are abundant. Matt has been down with us for a long time is always down to skate. The Cheyenne scene has long supported Null and we’ve been wanting to give something back in return. Click here to read Matt’s profile and peep the video above that Matt himself made.