The latest Boulder County Business Report has an article on Null. Click here to view it.New wheels arrive today. More 53mm’s and some new 52mm’s.New hats arrive in about 10 days.1 month of filming for And Void left.
Category Archives: Team News
Jeff had a good weekend skating
Here’s the clips we aren’t saving for And Void.
Null video night tomorrow night
Chris Jones poll jamDon’t forget skate video night in Ft Collins at Luscious Nectar at 9pm tomorrow night. They’ll be showing the first two Null DVDs and a new promo.
Null And Void Premieres December 5th
We are happy to announce we will be premiering our third video December 5th at the Fox Theater in Boulder, CO. We’re also excited that our friends at Meta will be premiering a new video as well. Two new Colorado videos in one night! More details to follow.In other news, skate video nights are happening on Wednesday nights in Ft Collins now at Luscious Nectar. Next Wednesday the 26th will be a Null night showing Blame the Filmer and Soup D’Jour as well as a new promo. So hit up the Wednesday night ramp jam then head over to Luscious Nectar for some drinks and skate vids with the homies.
Omaha/Lincoln photo gallery and video clip
Here’s some extra footage from our recent trip to Omaha and Lincoln. It goes in alphabetical order: Chris Jones, Homie Chadman, Old dude sucking, Greg Harbour, Little Jack aka Captain Jack, Monico Candelaria.Thanks to Pat, all the Fremont homies, Drew and the Lincoln crew that showed us around.
Monico playing Chubby Bunny with Cicis cinnamin rolls
[youtube AVdheq2iYwQ]Lots of us went to Omaha for the weekend. Once we have some more time we’ll get some clips and photos up, but for now here’s a random clip of Monico playing with food.
The flow kids
The flow kids got the memo to wear white shirts. From the Left, Jack, Chris and Mikey.
Null And Void coming early December 2007
We’re happy to announce that our third video is nearing completion. The filming deadline has been set and we plan on premiering “And Void” in early December. Once we have the location and date set we will let you know. If things go right we will be having a joint premiere with the fine folks at Meta so it should be a good night for Colorado skateboarding. And speaking of Colorado, here’s a throw away clip from our only team rider not from Colorado, Pat Hickey. Enjoy! Null wheels coming next week!
Eric Napolitano is getting married this weekend
Retired Nuller and wannabe Yankees pitcher Eric Napolitano is tieing the knot this weekend. Congrats Eric.
Glen’s little digicam Cali pictures
Here’s some photos from the first day since the batteries decided to die so quickly.Game of SKATE in front of my house waiting for Riley to show up.
Big Bern in the best seat in the van.
Monico checking the ingredients in water.
Pat is 2-4 on car problems on the drive from Nebraska to Colorado. Time for a Honda.
I started taking photos of everyone sleeping just to entertain myself. Aint Jeffrey cute.
Lucky bastards sleeping.
Bernie skating in 100+ degree desert heat.
More 100+ degree skating in Death Valley instead of driving.
Jeff got out of the van and kickflipped this hydrant while I got pissed trying to find a gas station that accepted credit cards intead of debit only. ARCO stations suck!
Monico back tail. Photo by Riley.
Another Riley photo of Mr Hulslander fighting for freedom on the black ledge.
Not sure if this is the make and it probably isn’t, but Jeff nollie backside flip.
Mikey switch frontside flip
Riley switch frontside flip as the battery dies on my camera. Oh well, at least I only had to comment on 14 photos this way.