Monico steps it up to a six stair

Monico was hyped to step up his game to a six stair and sent the following update:

I have a web update for you that is just too good to be true. The content features flow-mature skateboarder Monico Candelaria maneuvering a frontside railslide on a stair with six steps. Act now and receive an unbelievable 2-for-1 deal where you will also gain access to our featured video, “Footy Party, Part 2.” This New Mexico short film features skateboard talent of the southwest through the eyes of upcoming videographer Johnny Gomez. Additional chapters are brought to you by Andy Garcia and Nick Eakes. For a sneak peak at this summer’s skateboard blockbusters click the links below!

Or you could just watch it embedded below. Either way you may or may not see Monico getting buck on the six stair.